Saturday 10 August 2013

Hi Readers! It's /I/ here. *inserts korean laugh kekeke* basically it's 3rd Day of Hari Raya~ guess who went for BAP's Press Conference the night of Hari Raya Eve? It's me and Admin N! ^^. The boys were so hot, I literally didn't scream too much. Just slight screams cuz I spend most of my time adoring Bang Yongguk for minutes. It was a day to not remember. I met most of my tlist chingus and they looked so much more prettier than I do. Although we waited (did not queue) for 4hours, it was a 30-minute moment to treasure. *inserts heart shape love love love love love*. Himchan's hair was in blonde and Zelo's hair was in cherry red(?). The next day was LOE SG but I couldn't attend it cuz I didn't have any tickets and I didn't even bought one. I was spazzing and fangirling alone at home. I was wondering too much about the Press Conference itself. /dies/ the boys left for Korea on that night after the concert itself. It was due that they have pre-recording and recording the next day for Music Bank and also MuCore which will happen the following day after MuBank. Sadly, if they are not tight-scheduled, they probably would have toured around Singapore i guess. :/ and I watched MuBank yesterday. I awaited for BAP's and EXO's comeback stages. For BAP: there were technical difficulties that their microphones had some faulty but some fans said that their mics was working as per normal. So, i got no objections since the thing had already happened. For EXO: I didn't know they had their comeback stage (i'm a stupid and dumb fangirl so...) yeah and I feel for Suho and Baekhyun (duh). I can't control my feels. I seem to care for both Baekhyun and Suho much more (idky).
Infinite OGS Concert has started today. It started at Seoul today about hours ago and inspirits tweeted pictures that they showed Inconvenient MV and Destiny MV Ver A. (too excited my feels are gonna burst soon) I got soo much too rant for now /sighs/ i need to let everything about this kpop thingy out now. Okay so here's one thing. 3 days ago while I was at the press conference, even before the press conference started, the ''casual'' attended the press con. I was so shocked that she even bothered to attend the press con. I pointed to /N/ about the ''casual'' and she saw me pointing to her. I didn't care and just continue pointing towards her direction. (PS she look so ferocious lol) then the night of the first day of hari raya i received a whatsapp message from her. (if i could remember the conversation, i'll type it down)
'Casual': Hey, what is wrong with you and bap and what ever?
Me: I attended BAP's Press Conference. Why you got a problem is it?
'Casual': Ya, you stan Bang Yongguk right?
Me: DUH of course /inserts heart shape (lol)/
'Casual': You don't seem like one, not even fit to be a baby -.- and your cousin too whatever her name is nadia what i don't know
Me: Ya what's wrong with her?
'Casual': COME ON, she copies me. I liked Zelo before her, and what you do? You pointed me to her. Probably because you're jealous that I liked Zelo right? Please don't spread rumours. What happened during the past is probably some shits that just occured. I feel stupid talking to kfans like you.
Me: Ya so? She's a Zelo stan what you want me to do?
Me: /screen captures a picture that /N/ posted about Zelo months ago/
Me: She stans Zelo before you do, get your facts right.
('Casual replied me 1 hour after the conv)
'Casual': Do you mind to shut the fuck up?

Then there's me who don't bother to entertain losers like her. pmsl. so done here. goodbye. TTTTTTTTTT_TTTTTTTTTTTT

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~ with infinity ~