Thursday 27 June 2013

Hi guys, this is Admin Kim~
Since it's just me always updating this blog, I am just going to update with something stupid.
Nah, not SO stupid.
I like to share with you guys about my keyboard.
Well, i'm an android user now.
I miss being an Apple User soo much.
But then i realised quite a lot of idols had started using S4 too, especially Baek <3 let's be S4 couples.
Ok, on my keyboard background is JunSeung otp.
I ship this otp normally when i started stanning b2st 2years ago. I was a proud fangirl but i had to leave the fandom because of this 'someone'.
(And i didn't know whats multi-fandom till i stan exo last year's March.) Yeap, i'm stupid.
Overall, JunSeung otp is the best otp i shipped. :')<3 i will always hold on to being a b2uty after HW made me into this fandom. *P/S; HW is my secret admirer (nah)*
Why isn't Admin Yoom updating yet?!?! LoL.
Here's a couple of stuffs i'm having under my wishlist:
-Another beautiful kpop concert (even if it's just once)
-A stuffed teddy that reminds me about either my bias.
-A new SETSSS of clothings. (My wardrobe is kinda lame)
-Grow taller (because being short is already too cute).
LOL. There's more but i couldn't totally list them out ???
Currently overseas still and the westher here,
is like burning hot and thankfully there's not quite hazy here!
that's for now~~~^^
post more soon later *-*
Admin Kim shipping away with JunSeung couple ^-^

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~ with infinity ~