Saturday 10 August 2013

Hi Readers! It's /I/ here. *inserts korean laugh kekeke* basically it's 3rd Day of Hari Raya~ guess who went for BAP's Press Conference the night of Hari Raya Eve? It's me and Admin N! ^^. The boys were so hot, I literally didn't scream too much. Just slight screams cuz I spend most of my time adoring Bang Yongguk for minutes. It was a day to not remember. I met most of my tlist chingus and they looked so much more prettier than I do. Although we waited (did not queue) for 4hours, it was a 30-minute moment to treasure. *inserts heart shape love love love love love*. Himchan's hair was in blonde and Zelo's hair was in cherry red(?). The next day was LOE SG but I couldn't attend it cuz I didn't have any tickets and I didn't even bought one. I was spazzing and fangirling alone at home. I was wondering too much about the Press Conference itself. /dies/ the boys left for Korea on that night after the concert itself. It was due that they have pre-recording and recording the next day for Music Bank and also MuCore which will happen the following day after MuBank. Sadly, if they are not tight-scheduled, they probably would have toured around Singapore i guess. :/ and I watched MuBank yesterday. I awaited for BAP's and EXO's comeback stages. For BAP: there were technical difficulties that their microphones had some faulty but some fans said that their mics was working as per normal. So, i got no objections since the thing had already happened. For EXO: I didn't know they had their comeback stage (i'm a stupid and dumb fangirl so...) yeah and I feel for Suho and Baekhyun (duh). I can't control my feels. I seem to care for both Baekhyun and Suho much more (idky).
Infinite OGS Concert has started today. It started at Seoul today about hours ago and inspirits tweeted pictures that they showed Inconvenient MV and Destiny MV Ver A. (too excited my feels are gonna burst soon) I got soo much too rant for now /sighs/ i need to let everything about this kpop thingy out now. Okay so here's one thing. 3 days ago while I was at the press conference, even before the press conference started, the ''casual'' attended the press con. I was so shocked that she even bothered to attend the press con. I pointed to /N/ about the ''casual'' and she saw me pointing to her. I didn't care and just continue pointing towards her direction. (PS she look so ferocious lol) then the night of the first day of hari raya i received a whatsapp message from her. (if i could remember the conversation, i'll type it down)
'Casual': Hey, what is wrong with you and bap and what ever?
Me: I attended BAP's Press Conference. Why you got a problem is it?
'Casual': Ya, you stan Bang Yongguk right?
Me: DUH of course /inserts heart shape (lol)/
'Casual': You don't seem like one, not even fit to be a baby -.- and your cousin too whatever her name is nadia what i don't know
Me: Ya what's wrong with her?
'Casual': COME ON, she copies me. I liked Zelo before her, and what you do? You pointed me to her. Probably because you're jealous that I liked Zelo right? Please don't spread rumours. What happened during the past is probably some shits that just occured. I feel stupid talking to kfans like you.
Me: Ya so? She's a Zelo stan what you want me to do?
Me: /screen captures a picture that /N/ posted about Zelo months ago/
Me: She stans Zelo before you do, get your facts right.
('Casual replied me 1 hour after the conv)
'Casual': Do you mind to shut the fuck up?

Then there's me who don't bother to entertain losers like her. pmsl. so done here. goodbye. TTTTTTTTTT_TTTTTTTTTTTT

Sunday 28 July 2013

Annyeonghaseyo! Admin Kim imnida~ i'm sorry for not updating this blog, and to leave this blog rather inactive. In return of that, Admin Kim and Admin Yook will try our best to update this blog for every readers' benefits (if there is?). There's a lot of comebacks to spazz with, so let's start with BAP's Hurricane! 
Official BAP's Hurricane MV
Here's the teaser image! From left to right is Zelo, Daehyun, Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae and Jongup. Anyone notice that in the real m/v, Yongguk's line is after Himchan's and in this teaser pic, Yongguk is BESIDE Himchan? Ooo. BangHim~ the concept of Hurricane is mostly to Hip Hop, and some BABYz thinks that BAP release Hurricane because they ought to compare "BANGTAN's Bulletproof and BAP's Hurricane". NO. That's not the reason. They're not rivals. And to be very honest, MOST BABYz did not LEAVE BABYfandom, they're still in BABYfandom, but they also share their fandom with ARMYfandom (BANGTAN's FANDOM).
Moving on, next we shall spazz over BTS!
Official BTS's Bulletproof PT.2 MV
Here's the GIF of part of the MV! I kindly like when it's JHope's+Jimin's+Jungkook's part tbh. It's kind of cool~ one of the parts too included this part of the GIF. Basically, my current biases in BTS are Jimin and Taehyun (V). BTS means Bulletproof Boy Scouts in English and pronounced as 'Bangtan So-nyeon-dan' in hangul. The maknae line is V and Jungkook. Leader is Rap Monster. Hope that's a quick summary about the maknae line and leader of BTS!
Next is EXO's Wolf drama and Growl Music Video Teaser.
Official EXO's WOLF Drama Part 1. (basically part 2 of the drama isn't out yet, so.....) 

so that is Luhan, the main character for part 1. he's like the wolf, so yeah. awaiting for part 2, but it's really so long. my patienceeeeee. 
In this, the teaser. So, just spend about 20seconds or so to watch it and support their official teaser, really. 
There are another 4 more upcoming events i'm waiting for.
1. EXO's Part 2 Wolf Drama ver.
3. Upcoming BAP's new music video.
4. BAP LOESG, D-11 (as of 28th July 2013).
And guess what, i've preordered my destiny album 2 weeks ago, and it should arrive to my hands by next week's Sat. Really can't wait for my destiny arrival! 
That was a lot i typed today~ 
It's Admin Kim with you here today, signing off! 
Take care and enjoy ze' rest of your day!

Monday 15 July 2013

Basically there's casuals out in the fandom, but let me tell you guys something. I have some tlist chingus, well used to, and claimed that she HATES multi-fandoms. So she's a multi fandom too, a so-called baby and exotic? Kill yourself. I can't probably write about her here because she's a bloody asshole. Dare to touch her favourite biases, she'll start talking about you in social medias, etc. WHY? Because she hates bias stealer. She a freaking casual, and she expects everyone like EVERYONE to befriend with her, and side her when any fanwar problems is ongoing. Legit, she's called herself smart. Even her cousins were a little piece of shits, siding her even when she always picks up fights with her cousins, dumbass. And she kept on saying she doesn't like multi-fandoms when she really is a multi-fandom. Guess what, she sacrificed all her money to go to BAP's LOESG just to freaking see the goddamn Zelo. That's a freaking casual, she DOESN'T support B.A.P as 7 members, but as 1, which is Zelo, ofcourse, that I could say. She's over-protective of her ''confident'' oppas, and kept saying that she's NOT a multi-fandom. She kept bugging my friend, before B.A.P LOESG was shifted to a further date, and complains about me more and fangirl over Zelo to her. Is she okay? Go and fangirl with your cousins about Zelo and those shits. I don't know, but I feel like her cousins were forced to go B.A.P's LOESG probably because she forced her cousins or so, because her cousins are not multi-fandoms. They're just pure exotics tbvvvvh. And i remembered i received something as a gift, apparently from a blogshop. She freaking accused me 'cuz i had her bias in my wallet. She said nasty things about me to her favourite 'friends'. Don't her friends notice that she's actually using you?! Everyone in the school hates her tbh, that's what I heard about the gossips. If she's about to pick up a fight with me, I just don't mind. She's at wrong though, if she wants to pick a fight with me, I must not be afraid, because it's not my fault, lol.
Anyways, update you later blog. Admin Kim signing off! BLOG BLUG BLAG BLEG BLIG

Friday 12 July 2013

An update that I hate and love.

I know this is something not related to this shared kpop blog, but there's something I like to share with everyone. To be very honest, does everyone likes rude people? NO. Really rude people? I'm sure no one likes it right? How about you were talking to one of your friends and there's this random person who interrupts you while you're chatting with your friend? RUDE. My point is, the opposite of RUDE is RESPECT. If you respect oneself, obviously the others will respect you back right? The point of being rude is really irritating. How about bias stealer? Rude isn't it? I mean, let's say not bias stealer. You and you friend likes the same bias, example Baekhyun. You've be an EXO stan/Baekhyun biased for like a year or so, and your friend came bugging in saying they're EXO stan/Baekhyun biased, and not knowing ANYTHING single thing about them, probably only Baekhyun's portfolio. You said that you're okay with your friend being a Baekhyun biased and that she's willing to SHARE and FANGIRL about Baekhyun to you. Next, your friend knows that you like Baekhyun, so suddenly your friend 'sounded' you, and ask; "Why the hell are you an EXO stan/Baekhyun biased? Why do you copy me? I liked Baekhyun first okay. Go away from my bias, go fit in into a new fandom or find a new bias. You don't fit to be one and don't fit to belong to this fandom. Go away!"
This is rude, and something called bias stealer. You KNEW EXO for a year and so, and your dear friend knew EXO for a few weeks and self-proclaimed that you stole her very own special bias?!
To tell the truth, these are for losers. Losers tells lies just to cover up their story. Just to tell everyone that they're honest and that they DONT lie. Come on, who doesn't lie for once?! Just you're not okay but ended up saying you're okay? That's lying too. And to those who thinks that their bias are forever theirs and are not 'up to share' their own bias, think again. Out of a few kpop groups, i'm sure there's like at least 50 fangirls over someone in a group. And within the 50 fangirls, there's you. So, you will have to fight with 49 fangirls just to 'claim' that you're totally with your 'own special bias' and that the other 49 fangirls won't steal you bias.
Next rude people is someone who butt in into one's business. Ever heard of 'MYOB'?
= Mind Your Own Butt/Business.
If your butt is on fire, are you gonna care about it? PRECISELY YES, unless you don't have a butt though.
To those who have been meddling into other's business or problems, it's best if you stay out of trouble because end up, they'll lead you down to a dungeon and you'll suffer.
That's an update for hate.

Next is an update for LOVE.
Basically, I am stanning 7 groups right now, right?
Just saying that out of 5/7 have did a full comeback with album release this year except for BTOB and BEAST (i guess) without an album comeback.
Let's wish BEAST and BTOB great luck with their upcoming full album comebacks! :-)

xoxo, this is Admin Kim done with blog.

Hi readers! It's Admin Kim signing in *smiley faceu*.

I'm sorry for the inactive blog we had, really sorry!
Admin Kim and Admin Yook here are quite busy, and so we are both muslims.
We both had to fast and break our fast too, which means that we won't really update
really much during the sunset as we need to prepare food and drinks to eat, and time for us to eat

Next thing is, Admin Yook has troubles to update this blog as her phone got .......
let's not say anything, lol.

During my weekends between Saturday and Youth Day, i went to have sleepover at nadia's house,
which was quite... interesting, i guess so.

I'm planning to order for Infinite's Destiny album since it's just for $14, yay! but, i need approval from
my mum *prays hard*.

Now, there's something I really wanna rant about.
CASUALS. What's casual anyways? It's something you go for just for because of one thing.
Here's an example. I have a tlist chingu, also a friend in real life. She's so-called an "Inspirit" but she goes around talking about Myungsoo (L).
Basically I said that Myungsoo's favourite colour was Black and she goes about to me talking about Myungsoo.
Seriously, casuals are irritating at some times. She's a hottest and not loyal to her own fandom.
What example is she trying to show?

And remember the girl that hate me for "loving" her favourite bias? Yeap, she's a casual too.
She bought LOE SG Tickets just so she can meet her one and only bias, and not the whole BAP.

Let's just stop ranting for now~ and;
Infinite's Destiny Image Teaser! =^.^=
Firstly, why does everyone here looks creepy? I mean, look at Sungyeol, lol. He's really acting like a chic!
Anyways, D-4 to Destiny and i have to order y Destiny album before it's released like seriously!!

I'm done, update later readers!

Sunday 7 July 2013


Heyy I'm back and starting to like this new grp 
They are so handsome and u should hear the new songs it would be perfect at hell haha hear okay -Admin Yook :)

Thursday 27 June 2013

Hi I'm bored -.-

Hi peeps! I'm admin yook and so long I haven't post haha I think so.Now I'm gonna post some photos of kpop members okays? Cause I'm bored lol. 
 So that's?? Sungjae idk why he's doing that lol with an tissue paper? Idk idk hah